為了從什麼移開視線 The indulgency out of purpose
而刻意做的「盡情」 is to avert something
享樂主義的背面 At the back of Hedonism
是為了脫逃什麼 there is an escape from something
以享樂為目的而生活 The pursuit for pleasure as a principle of life
必定招來更多痛苦 must call for greater pains
是個愚蠢的主張 which is a ludicrous advocacy
如 for example
商業化主義 commercialism
把東西代換、拉扯目的,去刻意 to replace A with B, to make up goals
弄出什麼 to fabricate
來讓自己「感覺好」 in order to feel good
自我設定,邏輯式的封閉性 self-defined, closed-up with logics
self trapping 自投羅網
先假想設定一個狀況必定讓自己感覺好 Assuming a situation that must be good
然後去刻意行為 and then conduct certain deeds
接著在這個目的達成之後 Finally, tell yourself that this feels really good
告訴自己自己感覺真好 after the goals are reached
這不是 Isn't that
恐怖故事嗎? just a tale of horror?
這是很詭異的事情 This is very bizarre.
喊出這些思考的人 People who shout out these thoughts
不正是因為 aren't they exactly those
他們需要目的性地 who really need to intentionally
對自己強化這些思緒? amplify these thinking, to themselves?
人生可能不需要有真正的目的 Life may not acquire a real purpose
所謂的「使命」 the so-called 「mission」
真正是否在實踐使命 You may not actually noticing
自己可能是無法察覺的 whether you are manifesting your missions
難道需要這麼做 Is doing so simply because
是因為 that they can not find
除此之外 ways of being alive
找不到其他生存的方式嗎? other than this?
(是因為無法接受這個生命本身 (Aren't these strenuosities come from
才如此大費周章吧?) the inability to accept life by itself?)
關於人將自身「物化」這個行為 The behavior of self objectification of human beings
環繞在生殖 is circled around reproduction
例如 for instance
男女性別的準則、婚姻 standardizations of male and female, marriage
將自身 make a person, turn oneself
「價值化」 into values of materials
下沉、接近地表、死亡 sinking, approaching the surface of the Earth, death
「物質化」 the becoming of matters
以「形體」存活 to survive as shells
藉由情感的助力 Using the power of affections
卻使得情感扭曲化 yet twisting them
影響了心智,往上波及至意識與靈性 jeopardizing the mind, consciousness and spirituality
動搖靈魂 wavering the soul
揉釀著不安穩 breeding those unstableness
將實質的精神 Objectifying the real spirit
物化 will cause
會造成錯誤的 problematic errors
自我意識 in the consciousness of self
陷入習慣性的 trapped in
妄想 habitual delusions
也就是合理化的 equals to
洗腦 justified brain-washing
將情感 Retrieving
取リ戻す the affections
那是認同自身的重大必行 is a crucial must-do for self acceptance
如何接受自身 The thing human beings need to know the most
是人類最需要了解的事情 is how to take over themselves
如果人類,了解什麼是人 If human understand what they are
我們就有希望 we might have hopes
對自己信守承諾 to keep our own promises
2021/03/08 20:37 Ch|05/05 19:48 En
Hualien, Taiwan.