maybe you forgot you were asleep 你可能忘了你睡著了 and along you forgot you were dreaming 同時你忘了你正在做夢 more over you totally forgot that 甚至你忘記 you 'jokingly' made a rule about 你開玩笑地訂下 了 making it all last forever 讓它永遠持續下去 的這個規則 this great exploration of YOU 這個對 你 的驚奇探索 you may say (你可以這麼說) went too far 走了太遠 wanna stop this lost 想要停下這個迷途 and go back where you were 回到你原本的「地方」 that was also 那 依然還是 just YOU 就是 你 right 啊,對 your infinity 你的無限 could be defined 也能被定義 of course it's always massively limitless 當然對在這裡的我們而言 for us here 那總是永遠而龐大地無止盡 within this dream you were self-lost since somewhere 從未知的某處開始 你自行走失了的 這個 夢裡 travel with these 和這些同遊吧 you echoed 你反覆著說 to us 對我們 to yoursel...