If you emerge yourself into a story through the words, you can be in a totally different world from exactly where you are right now. Does this statement suggest that the brain/mind is separable from its own physical existence? Seems like as a human I wonder about and at my own constitution once again. Cats and dogs dream too. Familiar enough I feel the same burden from the movies and fragmented plots generated from my own skull when I sleep, especially with the lights on when sometimes I forget to turn off. Those vivid places I've gone to in dreams could stay so long that I might need to process them in bed before I actually got up. I notice that sometimes when during the dreaming my body is tight. Sleeping isn't always relaxing. Sometimes the dreams amazes me, like somehow I got a treat without knowing why. So many stories going on, uncountable. So many dreams written down. We may possibly living in our dreams. Movies, dramas, novels, plays an...