Adam and Eve


人類,穿衣, 只是因為身上沒有禦寒的毛。

let me see the sexiness so I can feel alive.
they say to the others. of course without a sound.

I'm just like any other plants when the sun is shining. basking in the light is what I want only.

I pretended to be needy.

and when it reminded me, I looked away.

life we make for ourselves

started from the imagining of human origins.

if you remember things, then why would you imagine?
if you choose not to remember, then what is it?

you are afraid.

because, you can't accept the fact or happenings, about who you actually are.

so you have to brain wash yourself, and definitely do the same to your descendants.

you make it up with these advancements.
to fill up the hole inside you.

yes, how would you know about life that could be this way. you are a victim sort of thing.

paint it up, paint it out.
paint whatever you like.

you gave them meanings.


so you can hold on to the advance
designed by your view.

people left the ownership of their lives,
you grieve them.

it's not because, they made you sad for the ending of life, 
but because they let go of you in this world. 

still pretending.
for it's the way to stay.


the plants, never utter a word.
so I envy them, the acceptance they composed.

2021/02/19 13:30 Taiwan, Hualien.