生的權力 the appositeness of living
賴以維生的 that we depend on
最小粒子 in its smallest scale
是意念 is the intention
從另一處,稱作時空的路徑 From there, the route called space-time
它經由旋轉,累成了 it is accumulated into all living things
萬物 by the Spin
從此處,意識裡 From here, in Consciousness
它不分時空 there's no time or space
你隨時能觸碰到 Whenever you feel like, you can get in touch with
希臘神話 Greek mythology
漢文學說 sinology
古典音樂 classical music
武士精神 samurai spirit
但,千百年的樹木 Only that the trees of hundreds of years
你動不得 you shouldn't try to make objectifications
形體裡 in the shells
醞釀著時空 it conceives Time
意識裡 in the Consciousness
僅有此刻 there's only now
有一個 there's a
生命意識 consciousness of life
叫做選擇 called choice
上揚的 up-lifting
彈性的 flexible
觀點 eyesight
females who are assured of reproducing, who are prepared
they can make choices in males by their own judges
males can choose whether to provide genes
whether to have connections
whether to join the breeding of the children
for females on this planet, reproducing is an important matter by choice
not a necessary one
males who are assured of reproducing, who are prepared
they can make choices in females by their own judges
females can choose whether to provide genes
whether to have connections
whether to join the breeding of the children
for males on this planet, reproducing is an important matter by choice
not a necessary one
必要事件 the essentialities are
對意識與身體的認識 to know what Consciousness and Body is
對能量與時空的知曉 to understand Energy and Continuum
如何使用思考 how to use the mind
如何辨識情緒 how to recognize emotions
如何管理「記憶」 how to manage 「memories」
如何正確攝取人體養分 how to properly take in nutrition for human body
如何正確有效而精省地獲得物質資源 how to aptly and effectively get substances and resources
如何在地球生活 how to live on Earth
如何結束旅程 how to end the trip
結束多餘的數字代換系統 put an end to redundant number systems
去除時空計算的錯覺 get rid of the delusion of time-space calculations
停止「時間與金錢」的虛構謬論 stop this fictional 「time-money」 fallacy
以及其餘衍伸出來的異常「行為」 and the other extensive abnormalities
停止以此消耗靈性與身體 cease such consequential depletion of Spirituality and Body
停止虛空的廣告商業吶喊 terminate those empty howls of commercialism
膨脹而無實質養分的「生活哲學」 these 「life suggestions」 of expansion without real nutrients
在地球上,我們與萬物 Here on Earth, we are the same
無異 as all creatures
皆是需要養分的 we are all shells
形體 that need nourishments
擁有著 and we have this
「不受控」的心智 「uncontrollable」 mind
自認為,優越者 people who think themselves superior
必為劣者 must be the worse one
至少,不是什麼好東西 at least they are not good things
那些崇尚人腦的生物 those beings who worship the brain
那些催促自身勞動不止的 and those who prompt themselves into labors
自圓其說者 self-coaxing people
先將自身推入邏輯陷阱 who push themselves into the trap of logic
再用邏輯對自己洗腦 and then brainwash themselves with logic again
有多少個體 how many individuals
備其一生,跳上轉輪 prepared themselves a whole life to jump on the wheels
只為了依照他人的指示呼吸? just to breathe by others' instructions?
今年,我想住在非洲 this year, I want to live in Africa
我只需要從網頁送出申請 all I need to do is sending out an application on the Internet
就能出發 in order to go
那邊已經備有足夠的住宿 there are already enough accommodations prepared
下週,他想去碧藍的小島 next week, he wants to go to a bluish island
他只要從網頁送出申請 all he needs to do is sending out an application on the Internet
就能出發 in order to go
那邊已經備有足夠的住宿 there are already enough accommodations prepared
我們是來地球光顧的遊客 We are visitors on Earth
來這裡形成生命,穿著人類的身體 here we are formed in lives, wearing the clothes of human body
它可以做許多體驗 It provides multiple experiences
離開時,它回到地表 When we leave, the suit is returned to the surface
沒有「擁有」的問題 There's no problems of 「possessions」
輕鬆自在 easy breezy
你可以汲取需要的東西 You can take what you need
養育孩子的養分 supplements for raising children
給它情感使它成形後 form them with affections
足夠自身行動 in order to power them with actions from will
我們擁有資訊力量 We have the ability of information
能夠注意安危 that we are able to prevent some dangers
而我們會遇到災難 and we will meet them
這是我們在此生命早期就能備妥的心理 thus we are prepared with this in early lives
沒有人能告訴你如何離開 no one knows when and how we leave
你只需要 You just need to
注意自身在地球的樣子 notice the shape of yourself
對自身訴說 and confide in your heart
這是最必要的 This, it will be the most vital one
2021/03/02 13:09 Ch|03/17 00:00 En
Taiwan, Hualien.