沉默是金 Imperturbability
(重寫,可能與高中時的我,毫無關聯的,同題。) when I open up my eyes 當我睜開雙眼 the view I see is right 眼前的畫面感覺很好 I feel the silence of inside 我感受到心裡的沉靜 this needlessness 不索取的 calm, empty 沉著,淨空 Serene. 寧。 Gold 金 it does not 它不做 react. 反應。 Diamond 鑽石 only cuts itself. 只能被自身切割。 Stillness 寂靜 is how myself I know. 是我所知道的自己。 I saw the world spun up at my eyes. 我看到世界在我眼前轉動。 felt the image of the Earth motions 感受著地球旋轉的動態影像。 when as a 'child'. 在孩童時。 I got a touch of that restlessness 我觸碰到那個,躁動 which I can still call out from my memory. 至今,我依然能夠提取這段記憶 when I was in other 'countries', I can't feel much changed, only that people seem different, and what they built differed based on where they are. 當我在其他"地方"時,我感覺不到太大的變化,僅是人們與他們的建造物有所差異。 Suddenly they said, we are one family. 突然間,他們說。我們是同源的。 it's not my concern. 這非我所在意之事。 l know about the reason 我想我知道 of struggling with 'feelings'....