蛻 the molting
往前走,記憶形成。回頭看,檢視它。 Go forth. Memories form. Look back and check them. 意識由此產生。分離。 Consciousness shows. Then it parts away. 蛻。 Exuviation. 太陽,星球旋轉繞行。 Planet orbits around the Sol 似乎無限重複地。 close to eternal repetitions. 我們一次又一次,累積著習慣。 We build up patterns and natures 附著了情感。 again and again, gluing with fixation. 如果,星球不曾移動,不旋不繞,空氣靜止,而時間存在,太陽的光線永恆照射,上頭是否會有附著物? If the Earth does not move, nor whirl, and the air is still, but Time exists. The Sun beams its lights as always. Does the Earth develop attachments on the surface? 生命。來自土壤的。美好。 Life, the alacrity from the soil. 一次又一次。重複著,旋轉而揚起的塵。 Again and again the dust being roused up by the turn. 發散著,消退著。有如海浪,記憶的沫。 Spreading, and withdrawing. Like the ocean waves, the foam of memory. 我們的視覺,與意識的感知錯置著,因此,構築著心裡的畫面。 Our sights, they are arbitrary to the consciousness and senses. ...