
目前顯示的是 2月 14, 2021的文章


七海,你說,沒有後悔。 You say, you have no regrets, Kento. 我可以了解。來自你沒有奢望。 It's because you don't have wishful thinking. That's how I know. 每一天太陽落下。 Sun goes down each day. 升起。 And Rise up again. 沒有人能夠忽視。 No one would ignore that. 海邊...的房子。我也,曾經這樣想過。 Home at the beach. I had the same idea once. 在陸地、海洋與天空的交界處,看著世界。 To gaze upon this world at the junction of the land, the ocean and the sky.  投入其他的故事與思緒裡。 Into stories and ruminations you may dive. 從星球的地面上,釋放靈魂。 Release your soul from the surface of this planet. 我們在哪裡呢。 Where are we, if you may... 在自己的話語裡呢。 We are in our own words. 我們無聲的連動。 The silence of our interconnection. Sumikko 2021/02/14 21:43 Hualien, Taiwan. To Satoru Satoru's untouchable-ness 無法觸碰的五条悟 沉默是金 Imperturbability 來自我所創造的 Here

著 fixation

This person looks totally different when she just opens her eyes to this place. I mean, wakes up.  (Is there an indication word for 'person' that's not she or he, her or his, him?) When I look at the mirror. Why do you take the sunlight? I need vitamin D. It's hard to get from food. If you don't need it, you might not do it? I don't know. She is definitely not that 'me' when I look at that mirror. I show up when I start to brush my hair. She looks really 'splashed', the feeling, not put together, separated attention, tries to hold herself into a fixed place in a sudden, but consciously. It feels like she went someplace else again. Yes I recalled now... 我匆促踩上一台只有車頭的蒸氣火車造型的機械,它順著所在的軌道快速前行。 啊,是由我來駕駛的嗎。總之往前開著。 在遠方的某處站點要停下了,它衝撞到前方的什麼,玻璃撞碎了一些,我下車,並不在意。 為什麼在四個地表板塊交界上生活,東西還是這樣擺放呢,知道它們有毀壞的高度可能。很疑惑。 空に住みましょうか? You just hold it there for such a long time. Missing it, recalling it. Repeating the essence of the beauty. Affections toward yourself. Like the bod...