「飯都快涼掉了,越吃越多啦!」 a cousin said this with impatience repeatedly to me when I was 4 or 5. someone tore off my will for living, and said 'caringly' to me: "I hope that you can be like sunshine, so I choose this English name for you, 'Sunny'." I won't judge that anymore. I am careful with this body I learn I observe I memorize I understand I trust it Sometimes confused irritated A lot of times I hope I'm not bounded by it. It feels like I don't belong here in it like, the moment I wake up. The eating. to turn it into a joyful deed praising nature's abundance for 'us' it's because we need to do so otherwise it would be truth of brutality that's why people praise their kids for eating meals up. that's why... in this world on this planet we are deluding ourselves over and over again and again So easy to fill up my belly I haven't even actually done a thing (what is a 'thing'?) I feed myself with them carried with nut...