為了從什麼移開視線 The indulgency out of purpose 而刻意做的「盡情」 is to avert something 享樂主義的背面 At the back of Hedonism 是為了脫逃什麼 there is an escape from something 以享樂為目的而生活 T he pursuit for pleasure as a principle of life 必定招來更多痛苦 must call for greater pains 是個愚蠢的主張 which is a ludicrous advocacy 如 for example 商業化主義 commercialism 把東西代換、拉扯目的,去刻意 to replace A with B, to make up goals 弄出什麼 to fabricate 來讓自己「感覺好」 in order to feel good 自我設定,邏輯式的封閉性 self-defined, closed-up with logics self trapping 自投羅網 先假想設定一個狀況必定讓自己感覺好 Assuming a situation that must be good 然後去刻意行為 and then conduct certain deeds 接著在這個目的達成之後 Finally, tell yourself that this feels really good 告訴自己自己感覺真好 a fter the goals are reached 這不是 Isn't that 恐怖故事嗎? ...