
目前顯示的是 3月 15, 2021的文章


下午   This afternoon 在腦海裡   I sensed kisses 感受到親吻   in a vision of mine 如同情慾竄流在我體內一樣   like the lust actually flowed through my guts 時間大約地球的十秒左右   about ten seconds of Earth time 畫面是   The picture is 男人對著女人   man's back, facing woman, towards left 未著衣而未裸露   naked but not exposed 兩人在整個範圍的左上方   they are at the upper left side of the view 感覺極度偏離畫面重心地   somehow unbalanced from the center 我同時用眼角看著   feeling like watching with my eye corners 又清楚看著他們的情感細節   yet at the same time getting their detailed emotions 畫面整體時,他們是彼此凝視的,在西方油畫那樣的筆觸與光影裡 In the whole picture, they are gazing at each other with desire in an air of renaissance oil painting. 進入細節的時候,我感受到情感的灼熱與刺目的光線 In details, I feel the heat of affections and blinding lights. 兩人的視角與感受   The views and feelings of man and woman  交錯切換著   interchanged and turned 因此   making  their energy 能量流動...