下午   This afternoon

在腦海裡   I sensed kisses

感受到親吻   in a vision of mine

如同情慾竄流在我體內一樣   like the lust actually flowed through my guts

時間大約地球的十秒左右   about ten seconds of Earth time

畫面是   The picture is

男人對著女人   man's back, facing woman, towards left

未著衣而未裸露   naked but not exposed

兩人在整個範圍的左上方   they are at the upper left side of the view

感覺極度偏離畫面重心地   somehow unbalanced from the center

我同時用眼角看著   feeling like watching with my eye corners

又清楚看著他們的情感細節   yet at the same time getting their detailed emotions


In the whole picture, they are gazing at each other with desire in an air of renaissance oil painting.


In details, I feel the heat of affections and blinding lights.

兩人的視角與感受   The views and feelings of man and woman 

交錯切換著   interchanged and turned

因此   making their energy

能量流動旋轉著    flow and spin

因為強烈的感受而閉上眼的我   I closed my eyes due to the high thrill

卻無法「看見」   and stopped seeing the image

我必須睜著眼睛   I need to open the eyes

讓光線流入瞳孔   let lights get through my pupils

才能   in order to 

看到那個影像   illuminate the figures

好像關燈的夜晚睡眠   like sleeps without nightlights on

看不見夢的畫面   hardly see the dreams 

親吻   Kiss

親吻   and kiss

親吻   and kisses

畫面與感受   the view and the feeling

是分開發生的   happens in different places

感受   the feeling

是光線   is from lights

是思緒   is in thoughts

畫面   the view 

色彩   the colors

是情感的傳達媒介   are media for affections

親吻   Inside the light

的光線裡頭   of kisses

有著   are the aches and sweetness

自深沉處震動的   vibrating and 

散溢的   secreting 

酸甜   from depth

這股   This 

難以克制的力量   unconstrainable power

從兩個個體的共能   multiplied from two individuals 

加乘   synergistically

他們無法獨自產出   They cannot singly produce 

這個讓他們   such energy that

臣服的力   makes them submissive to

來自兩人而   This fierceness from two

超越兩者的   that surpasses

劇烈能量   two together 

原來如此   なるほど

這是為什麼   This is why

「自尊」在這裡   Pride 

會有芥蒂   is tripped here

因為   Because

哈   ha!

因為它清楚   because it knows 

自己的力量   that its strength

無法贏過這個   would never win

超越兩者相加的能量   this force that exceeds two combined

所以它   hence it would

想反抗、想挑釁   try to resist and challenge

想控制些什麼   try to control something

噢不   oh no

不對不對   no no no

害怕愛情的人   people who afraid of Love

會故意說   would say this

把身體和情感   「separate the body and feelings」


但是   the problem is

身體   that the body 

就是情感   is the feeling

這麼思考   To think like that

只是腦部心智的   is a twisting 

自我扭曲   petty trick

所編造出來的   generated by the mind and brain

謊話   ugly lies

對   Yes

身體   the body

就是情感   is the affection

的顯型   displayed

與   and

化身   incarnated

情感是   The affection is the energy

靈性   from the spirituality


而轉換  converted

及代謝來的   and metabolized

能量   through the body

把身體   People 

當作玩物的人   who walks and plays with body

他們可能不知道   they may not know

自己的虧損   how much 

有多重大   it would cost them

如同   Like 

把身軀   quantifying the shells

與附著其上的一切   and everything that comes along with them

量化為數字   into numbers

計算為價值的人   making values out of them

他們看不見   They cannot see

自己正將自己丟入   that they are throwing themselves into 

自己挖掘的陷阱   the dumps they are exhuming

他們以為   They think

自己正在   they are 

挖掘   digging up

天堂   a heaven

因此   thus

他們必須說服其他傀儡   they need to convince other puppets

參與   to join

他們的  their

饗宴  Fest


2021/03/15 18:22 Ch|19:53 En

Hualien, Taiwan. 



火 Flamme



