某個消耗的 (some dissipative)
習性 (habitus)
which I tried (我想試圖)
to see (看見)
substances are being 消耗著 (物質被 consumed)
就像身體 (as the bodies are)
like the body is always being washed away (如同身軀總是被沖刷著)
被重力固定 (pulled, fixed by gravity)
因旋轉而逸散 (dispersed by the whirl)
散溢 (Effusion)
spilled (溢出)
sprayed (飛灑)
splashed (噴濺)
scattered (潰散)
the challenge is (這個挑戰在於)
根據內在的聚力形式 (according to the form of inner force)
將物質依照著 (we arrange and display the matter)
to make them consistent (使它們)
內與外 (interiority and exteriority)
with one another (彼此一致)
this action I paused (我所暫止的這個動作)
I feel its inertia (我感覺到它的慣性)
coming up naturally (自然地出現)
the nature of (這個天性)
going round with the earth movement (隨著地球的動態周而復始)
wanting to replace (想要以)
with just another consuming (另一個消耗來代替)
and this is how and what I try to do (這是我嘗試的方式和內容)
我試著用思考 (I try to use thoughts)
重置 (to reset)
物質的顯形 (the appearance of incarnation)
這當然有點困難 (of course it is arduous)
restarting the combination (重新結合)
of material (物質)
with mere thoughts (僅以思考)
isn't a cinch (並非小事一件)
I meet impediments (我遇到阻力)
every time the eyes define the condition (當我的肉眼定義著)
of an object (物品的狀態時)
I think I try to view things (我想我試著)
beyond the eyeballs (看見眼球所見之外的)
這是因為我知道有比肉眼更重要的指標 (this is because I know)
在這雙眼後方 (there is a more crucial index behind these pair of oculi)
我回顧著以往的行為方式 (reconsidering the motions I was in)
關於毀壞的頻率 (the frequency of wearing-outs)
these (這個)
Fabrics of (命的構造)
Life (生命)
生命的布料 (the texture of life)
碾碎 (grinding)
再 (then)
淬煉 (distill)
或是 (or)
簡略地分散 (break up randomly)
再 (then)
拼縫 (sew up)
徹底燒盡 (burn down completely)
再 (then)
吸收 (absorb)
或是 (or)
そのまま (就這樣)
維持著 (keep)
殘跡 (the remains) (as it was)
so (所以說)
which one (哪個)
is to decide (才是主導)
the discarnate one (無形)
or the incarnate one? (還是化身?)
hmm hmm.....
back to neediness again (又回到欲求的問題)
あれはなんですか (那個是什麼來著) (what was that)
那個翻棋遊戲 (the flipping game)
由按壓的點加上周圍的八點 (by pressing the point with the eight points around altogether)
來反翻 (to reverse)
中心點與外圍八點呈相反 (the eight points around are with opposite color from the center point)
必須翻到整個出題畫面成為同一顏色 (the goal is to flip the whole board into the same color)
每次我在思考自己內在時 (every time I look into my inner status)
經常引回這個狀態 (I often led back to)
讓我想到這個遊戲形式 (the form of this game)
好像我在這個人生之中一直在做的事情 (it feels like it's what I've been doing in this life)
我一直對自己疑問 (I kept this wonder)
明明做得到 (about why I feel too easy to do)
卻感覺無聊得不想去弄 (too boring for me to pick up)
的一般人類的事情 (contents of daily human life)
我總是去觸碰 (always touching those)
這類我正在感知 (what I constantly sense)
發覺的東西 (and feel in soul)
我想把裡頭的顏色 (I feel like flipping the colors inside)
都翻成同個顏色 (into the same one)
但我不知道為什麼 (I am unable to trace)
我有這樣一個驅使 (the origin of this drive)
為什麼 (なぜ)
那些簡單的事情 (those simple stuff)
總是存在著 (a lot of times contained)
奇怪的阻力 (strange frictions)
甚至到一種讓我痛不欲生的感受 (to a level of devastating pain for me)
我想 (私はそう思います)
「毀壞」 (destructions)
是僅存於物質世界的 (only exist in material field)
僅僅是 (they are merely)
某些暫時狀態而已 (temporaries)
「物質界」 (Matter)
範圍是心智以下的 (range include)
心智、身體 (the mind and the body)
因此,心理機能毀壞的人 (hence, people who suffer from losses of psychological function)
他們依然可以上移到意志意識與靈魂 (can still raise themselves up to will/consciousness and soul)
來修復 (to repair)
但是若做不到,他們便是 (if they aren't able to do so)
近乎一生的毀壞 (they may be broken the whole life)
物質的毀壞,多是暫時狀態 (ruination of material world are mostly transitory)
而心智心理這個區塊 (the area of mind and psychology)
是無形的物質 (are invisible to eyeballs)
因此較難以肉體的眼睛來衡量捉摸 (they can be difficult to notice and to sense for people who choose to live as a body)
也就是最容易被忽略、未注意的區域 (this aspect being easily omitted and unattended)
卻是 (is ironically)
實實在在地 (the actual force)
在現實裡 (that tumbles the reality)
掀騰著 (around)
21:30 2021/03/09 Hualien, Taiwan.