JUNE / iuniores
包裝好的食物 food packed
紙條上 words written down
訊息 messages
寫下的話 on the note attached
餐桌旁 old-fashioned cubical TV screen
厚型電視銀幕 next to dining table
進入 entering
這個 into this
房間內 room
兩個 two
雙人的 double
床座與床墊 bed bases and mats
上下倒置 put reversely
破舊的材質 exhausted texture
剝落的框邊 broken frame
看起來卻是那麼 yet seemed as most naturally
理所當然地如此擺放著 set this way
其中靠近門口的一個 the one right at the door
下方有個 below, there was
單人尺寸 a single-person sized
鑲入地面的 rectangle area
長方形範圍 into the floor
畫面有如濃重炭筆的黑 a scene tinted with charcoal pencil murkiness
他們從深黑色的海邊 from the ocean of dark blackness they arrived
抵達陸地 at the land
沙灘 sandy beach
年輕男女 a pair of young male and female
身上覆蓋著大件的布料 covered with heavy linen clothes
他們以雙手 they with their bare hands
剖開一個 cleaved up a melon
與人一樣高度的 full of seeds, shaped in a perfect circle,
多籽的正圓形瓜類 and was of the same height as human
裡頭冒出一對 from this melon emerged
與他們一模一樣的男女 an identical pair of this male and female
未著衣物 unclothed
他們從這個瓜中出現之後 they were dismissed along with the dark sea water
立即隨著黑色的海水離去 soon as they appeared from it
這對年輕男女往陸地方向行動 they headed inland
前往鎮上 toward the town
一位接洽的婦人 a receiver dame
領他們至他們的住處 lead them to their habitation
旁邊有零星的路人 few passersby alongside
海灘與城鎮之間空無一物 there was nothing in between the shore and town
但有一個單薄的 yet in the air hanged a thin
可能會飄動的 door frame in gray beige
如紙材質的 of paper-like material
米灰白色門框 that might be floating in occasional breeze
他們經過這個 they passed through this thing
有如開玩笑的一個 that was just like a garden party left remained decoration
園遊會般殘留的裝飾物 out of ridicule
我在旁邊往灰白色的天空抬頭看 nearby, I took a look at the sky in greyish white
他們經過的 at this frame thing
這個框的東西 that they were passing through
與他們一同前往 and walked along with them
但我比他們先進入了 but I got into the house they were about to live in
他們即將入住的房子 in advance before all of them
在裡頭 inside
家具與物品是未使用過的 furniture and stuff were untouched
「新的」 intact
卻充滿著「記憶質感」 yet somehow with a texture full of memory
像是它們曾經無數次地「被擁有過」 as if they had been obtained numerous times
我感覺到它們的「沉重」 I felt their heaviness
與它們「內部質地的剝落感」 and the flakiness internally
家飾色彩雜亂 the colors of furnishing was variegated
但比例稍高且散亂各處的靛藍色 among them scattered a high proportion of bright indigo
屋內空間略高且範圍不大 the space was high and slightly narrow
我一路從客廳經過多處 I walked through places from the living room
視線掃射 scanning with sight
所有的物品如有了生命般活動起來 all of the objects started moving as if they were alive
與我互動 interacting with me
我有些驚訝 I was a little shocked
一邊觸碰它們 meanwhile touching them
好像在做什麼確認 like I was checking something
快速走過 I ambulated through the house
往左螺旋形地 spirally leftward
來到房屋最深處的臥室 to the bedroom at the deepest end
右前方角落裡有個方形的小型衛浴 a small bathroom in square shown at the front right corner
我觸碰自行活動起來的 I touched the alive cushion on the stool
雙人臥床旁椅子上的靠墊 next to the double bed
聽見婦人與男女進入屋內 all objects ceased their movements
所有的物品立即停下活動 the moment I heard the others entering
我走往臥室更裡頭的另一個空間 I walked forward into another space deeper inside the bedroom
左側出現了一個開放的廳 an open hall room appeared on the left
光線顏色是淡藍綠的 in a light of watery cerulean green
往裡頭一進去 as I headed in
右側下方有個太過龐大的 I noticed right away a cubical TV set at the right side on the floor
立方體電視機 that was too large in size
空間正中央是一個 at the center of the room
只有四個邊框連接的雙人床座 lay a double bed base only with its 4 frame boards
再加上四個過高的床柱 plus 4 bed poles that was overly high
而這些柱奇怪地 these poles were again oddly
從中間段至末端又是紙質的 ended with paper texture from their middle parts
白紙的表層有細且疏的紅綠色斜紋 thin sloped lines in staggered red and green on the surface of these paper
尖端結尾為三角形 and the tips ended in triangle
四個柱的高度並不整齊 these 4 poles are not consistent in height
它們表層連接著線路 they were wired with cables palpably
匯集的電線延伸至旁邊很靠近的牆面 these cords were gathered to the wall nearby
高度和這個床框相同 at the same height of the bed frame
我們打開電視 we turned on the TV
畫面跑動並有聲音 and saw the images in animation, hearing the noise
一個髮量稍多的中短灰髮男性 a male with thick and short pale-black hair
手拿紙稿播報著什麼 holding paper scripts announcing something
但我不清楚確切的內容 I wasn't aware of the content
(what is up with these double beds...) 這些雙人床是怎麼回事?
2021/06/17 02:57 中 |07/15 23:55 英
Hualien, Taiwan.