having this feeling that 總是有一種
I've always prepared myself 已經準備好了自己,「一個離開」
for 「a leaving」 的感覺
this leaving 這個離開
I've been readied 我早已預備好
(for how long I couldn't recall) (無法想起已經多久)
myself 自己
Is that kind of 'hurried' 這是不是
somehow? 有點「趕」?
Not exactly. 並不是
I feel it as an 我感覺它是一個
'easy waiting' 輕鬆的等待
a lot of time 很多時候
I'm in great blanks 我在巨大的空白裡
at some crucial time 在某些無可名狀的時刻
I'm in harsh brainstorms 我在苛刻的思緒裡
vivid dreams 清晰的夢境
detailed memory records 詳細的記憶
perceptions out of reach 那些難以觸及的視角
and great white blanks 以及龐大而蒼白的空無
they coexist 它們同時存在
this reality I'm forced to wake up in 這個我所受制而必須進入的現實
is heavy 重
sinking 而沉
and I cherish it 且我珍惜它
it's like something extra 它像是個額外的事物
and I listen to it 而我聆聽著
because she may need something 因為她可能需要些什麼
not that she purposely causing anything 並不是她刻意造成什麼
it's that she is in this time scale 而是她在這個時間規格之中
and is compelled to have these needs 被迫擁有這些需要
I love her 我總是
all the time 愛著她
突然發現 suddenly I think
身體的存在 that the becoming of this physicality
即來自「欲求」本身 is the 「wanting」 itself
那個渴望 that wondering
是因為想要觸碰 comes from wanting to touch
想要「感受」 wanting to 「feel」
想要「知道」 wanting to 「know」
下沈而陷 submerging and mired
是因為 is due to
過度的「願」 overmuch desires
顯形 put in shapes
讓心願 let the wishes
化作指尖的陪伴 become the escort on the fingertips
既然這雙眼 now that this pair of eyes
已經睜開 had opened
這個肉體組織的 this light receptor
光接收器 of flesh and tissues
讓身體 let this body
替我說話 speak on my behalf
在這裡 in here
它說著無語的 it is talking speechlessly
靈魂轉換來的情感振動 the vibration of affections converted from the soul
我用觸碰 I substitute
與雙眼捕捉到的形色 the receiving of frequencies and melodies
來代替 with touches
頻率與旋律的接收 and the catches of colors and forms by these eyes
身體 this body
告訴我 is telling me
它也如同其他智能物種渴望人類一樣 that it desires some certain genes
渴望著「某樣的基因」 same way as those intelligent beings who desire human beings
身體自行地有著這樣的指向 it automatically has such inclinations
我無需對此思索 I just have to follow
它知道自己的願望 the wishes it has and is clear about
what if we stopped reincarnate all together? 如果 我們一起 出自自由意志地
what would happen if we do that out of free will? 停止轉世化身,會怎麼樣呢?
will some other forces replant us on purpose? 其他未知的力量會刻意重新播種人類嗎?
what's it for to plant us again and again? 不斷地反覆播種人類的目的是什麼?
maybe this piece of soul will be 或許這個靈魂片段
recycled and returned to the All, the origin. 會被回收,回到全部,那個源頭。
what'd happen is beyond this mind here. 在那裡會發生什麼 是這個心智無法想像的。
feeling that it burns out lots of my brain 試著想通這些事情
trying to figure out these things. 感覺十分燒腦。
and this mind seems to wanna go simplified. 這個心智只想要簡化思考。
and indeed we are innocent here on Earth. 的確人類在地球上十分單純天真。
some other forces came and come constantly 一些未知的力量不斷地
to protect us, since we have no weapons 前來保護我們這些 比起那些
compare to those unimaginable. 無法想像的物種而言 簡直等於沒有武器的人類。
we die so 'quickly' 我們一下就死了
this life as a bubble 這泡沫般的生命
in this time matrix that can be stretched 在這個能夠被縮放伸拉成
or compressed in different scales. 不同規格的時間形態裡。
基因是被創造出來 The gene is a mechanism
作為可改變調整的手段 created to be adjust at will
它是「型態的依據」 It is the 「archetype of making」
「預計」的譜 「preset」 scores
途中產生的變奏或即興 Variations or improvisations halfway
導致它成為不太一樣的曲子 composing various alterations
節奏可能變化 whether the rhythms changing
調子或升或降 or the tunes up and down
頻率也能轉換調整 frequencies can be regulated as well
它們在多重的可能裡 They departed from each other and gradually alienated
漸漸成為難以關連的異類 in multiple probabilities
重力 gravity
引力 gravitation
情感 affections
回憶 memories
質量 mass
扭曲 distortions
變形 deformation
無論前往哪個星體 whichever clusters to head for
宇宙 this universe
就是 is
結構世界 a structured world
只要 as long as
擁有意念 there is intention, a thought
記憶 any memory
如同 just like
只要是生物體 as long as there are physical beings
便帶有基因資訊 there are genes
只要存在 as long as there are vital existences
就會不斷 the 「spinning」 goes on
「旋轉」下去 unstopped
以軸框收繞的 Photographic films
影片膠捲 rolled up with reels
以組織蛋白纏繞收聚的 Chromosomes
基因染色體 coiled and gathered with histones
心智平靜了下來 My mind is hushed
當我知道 when I realize that
這些是源於身軀 these are the aftereffects
曾經遭受過的力而來的 from the forces
餘後反應 this body once endured
我想我很可能 I am possibly
某種程度上 in a way
正「沉浸」於 immersing
這些經歷的 in the reactions
力的作用 of these happenings
當我知道 when I realize that
這些是源於身軀 these are the aftereffects
曾經遭受過的力而來的 from the forces
餘後反應 this body once endured
我想我很可能 I am possibly
某種程度上 in a way
正「沉浸」於 immersing
這些經歷的 in the reactions
力的作用 of these happenings
可能性 Possibilities
多麼變動 are fluctuated
多麼變動 are fluctuated
而未知 and unforeseen
一路花費多少心力 Spending so much efforts to reform
重新揉塑,好接近 all the way in order to approach
自己感到舒適的樣子 that suitable shape of me
回來,是為了 Returning is for
對自己的「過去」 a goodbye
說再見的 to the 「past」 of mine
She asked today 今天她問
would you miss me 你是否會想念我
if we're not here? 即使我們不在這裡?
Yes I said 我說,會的
even if I don't remember 即使我不記得
2021/06/10 23:27 左|6/16 22:28 右
Hualien, Taiwan.