to see is to dream 視即是夢
我走入黑暗 I walk into the darkness
是為了見到光明 to see effulgence
為取得光 In order to get luster
我汲取黑暗 I draw in the murk
它們是相連的極 They are polarities interconnected
相應的力 forces intercorrelated
互生的形 states interdependent
你記得 Do you remember
時間的長度嗎 the length of the time?
記得 Can you recall
時間的遠近嗎 the distance of time?
長篇的故事 Stories that are far too long
「曾經」發生的 that 'once' happened
地點未知而不需知曉的 without actual coordinates and no need to know about
來龍去脈 Those ins and outs
抵達這裡時 have already dissipated
已經消散 when they got here
問自己 Self-asking
為什麼 the reason of
注意著天空 looking at the celestial realm
以及地表以外的事物 and things besides the surface of this sphere
還有閉上雙眼才看見的那些 also those only with eyes closed to view
注意著天空 looking at the celestial realm
以及地表以外的事物 and things besides the surface of this sphere
還有閉上雙眼才看見的那些 also those only with eyes closed to view
分析自己的記憶 Anatomize my own memories
解構自身的組成 Deconstruct my own composition
大氣中轉譯至此的「故事」 'Stories' translated from the atmosphere to here
在現實的肉眼裡可能是天氣現象 might look like weathers in these eyes of reality
一場雷雨 A thunder rain
一陣颶風 A hurricane
或是 or
土石崩塌 A landslide
地殼震動 An earthquake
我漸漸知道 I begin to know about
愛上人類的原因 the reason of falling for human
而我自己也在這裡 I myself is here too
經歷了這樣的 running through
人的生命 this human life
這些感受 with these feelings
這些 These
身體的感覺 sensations from the body
心智的運作 the processing of the mind
記憶 the memories
情感 the affections
這些「日子」 these 'days'
「生活」 the 'life'
堆累附著的物質 things and stuff piled and attached
我知道五條悟的感受 I know how it feels like for him
我就是他 I am a Satoru
(即使總有些 (though somehow I still
匪夷所思) find it strange )
某些時候我覺得我 At some moments I find myself
「很遠」 'very much far away'
這個身體心智在這裡的我 this me here in the physical mind
能夠清楚感受到 is able to perceive clearly
這個靈魂意識的我的位置 that the me from the consciousness of my soul
在遙遠的上空 is high up there
「你去哪裡啊」 "Where are you going?"
「我覺得身體癢癢的狀況好麻煩呢」 "I'm so bothered by the itchiness from the skin!"
我知道「珍惜這個身軀」 I'm aware of 'cherishing this human flesh'
那些想要獲得 Those souls
人類身體的靈魂們 that desire this human form
想要取得 those intelligent species
人類基因的智能物種們 that want this human gene
Are they in love with such species too? 他們是否也愛上了這樣的物種?
"Do you wanna sing love songs to them too?" 「你們是否也會想對他們唱情歌呢?」
五條悟,你是否 Satoru, do you also
對成為人類的自身 fall in love with yourself
也墜入愛河? that became one?
那不是他們兩性之間那樣的愛河 Not the love they fall in sexually
而是 but this
憐憫般的 sympathized
憐愛的 tender affections
一開始 It might not be like this
可能並非如此吧 at the very beginning
但他們 but see
在時空中「往前」走著 how they 'forward' themselves in space-time
那麼勇敢地 so bravely
因此惹人憐愛地 Thus this compassion and adoring to take for them
即使他們 even though they
包含著黑暗 bring along those shadiness
但 yet
正因如此 it is exactly
他們的美好 why they are glowing
才如此閃閃發光 with their brilliance
所以 Hence
有著這般掙扎的 such struggled reasons
守護的理由 to guard, to protect
由我自身 To understand all these
獲得人類身軀 with this me
來得知 having this incarnation
這一切緣由 of a human
活在 living here
這體內 in it
「理解」 'accepting'
用心智理解這個靈魂 to comprehend this soul from this mind
以靈魂守護這心智 to defend this mind with this soul
日復一日 Day after day
心智緩慢地 slowly, this mind
拼湊起我靈魂的影子 gets those pieces to see
來看見 the shadow of my soul
而我,這個靈魂的身份 and I, with this soul identity
也緩慢等待著 slowly await
在拼圖鏡面完整的同時 the completing of this puzzle mirror
看見 to see
「我」「自己」 'me' 'myself'
這個身體與這個靈魂 this person and this soul
同時間地 simultaneously
(積蓄而來的) (this clustered)
遽變 rapid change
徹底的 thoroughly
(可預) (predictable)
記憶的參考值 References from memories so far
已經被打壞 is destroyed
不,是小到幾乎要看不見 No, it's almost invisible to see
那麼短暫,只有一瞬間而已 Too short. Less than a blink
心智曾經的困頓與折磨 Those dilemmas and torments
轉眼間是那麼樣 become hilariously transparent
透明得可笑 at the turn of these eyes
就像不曾存在一樣 like they never exist
眼前這些東西,包括眼中的曾經 Things in front of these eyes, and the past that were inside their view
只是代表性的意義 are symbols with meanings to identify
望進 Looking into
龐大無盡的最底層 the bottom of this massive infinite
最中心 at the very center
最開始的源頭 the very origin
那個空白 That blank
龐大無盡的最底層 the bottom of this massive infinite
最中心 at the very center
最開始的源頭 the very origin
那個空白 That blank
途中經過的千萬億無可計量 Passing through the immeasurable thousands of trillion colors
從眼角掃過的繽紛色彩 in kaleidoscopic iridescence at the corner of my eyes
如同做了一場 just like having
驚異的夢 an astonishing dream
夢 To dream
即是睜眼看見 is to open the eyes and see
看見 and seeing
即是夢 is dreaming
去看,就是創造著 To see, is to create
某天 One day
它睜開了眼 it opens the eye
世界便開始旋轉 and the world start to turn
世界便開始旋轉 and the world start to turn
它成為了 It becomes
自己的觀賞者 its own viewer
旋轉 Spinning
是來自 comes from
這個「全視」的動態 this motion of 'overall sight'
因此它成為「球體」 and it turns into a 'sphere'
無論是那個觀看的眼 whether the eye that is watching
或是這個映出的 or this 'cubical dream'
「立體的夢」 by its reflection
人體由分切而來所獲得的視角 The perceptions of human eyes from scattered angles
透過心智映照到這裡的現實 reflect into reality through the mind
或立體或平面 in 3 or 2 dimensions
意識內連接到的全視 With the connection through inner continuum to that overall sight
可由心智去擷取可能性 the mind can capture any possibility
以做組合,顯形於現實中 and make combinations to manifest in this reality
這是我們擁有的 This is
創造意志 the will of creation we own
當我以 When I
無限空間的視角來觀看時 perceive with this limitless angle
我不覺地 I unconsciously
愛上了人類 fall for humankind
這樣一個創造 this form of creation
經由自身的話語 through my own speech
源自「單一而無限能源」的這個 this me here
在這裡的我 from this 'single and infinite source'
So when I face myself towards the sun 所以呢,當我面對著太陽
with eyes closed 閉上眼睛看時
the color I see is red 我見到的顏色是紅色
burning red 帶著高溫的
with heat 燒灼的紅色
as the pupils look directly at the light 當瞳孔正對著光線
under these eyelids 在眼皮底下時
When I turn away the pupils 當我移動瞳孔
the other colors begin to show 其他的顏色開始出現
green, orange, yellow 綠、橙、黃
mostly green 主要是綠色
and purple 還有紫色
yes, purple 對,紫色
when my eyes roll down tightly 當我將眼睛用力轉動下壓時
sometimes dark blue 有時候是深藍色
or indigo 或者靛藍
at the corner when they avert the blinding rays 在避開刺眼光線時的角落裡
still under these eyelids 依然是在眼皮之下
With hands covering 再用手遮起來
it becomes dark grey to black 則變成深灰色至黑色
These eyes can't directly look at the brightness 這雙肉眼無法直視那個光亮
and receive that very color in it 來看到那裡頭的顏色
yet with this beam 但透過這樣的照射
they know what color black is 它們知道,什麼是「黑色」
while being covered up 當它們被遮蔽起來的時候
2021/05/19 12:40/21:28 Hualien, Taiwan