THIS you own
You are the best
in your own way of existing
I have to work with "all of my time" 我必須運用「我所有的時間」
this means 這意思
merely and simply 僅僅單純是
"all of my perceptions in this life" 「我這一生當中所有的視線」
including those besides daily reality 包括那些「日常現實」以外的
(why are you in this loop?) (你為何在這個迴路裡?)
I'm in an indescribable pain 在這個時間規模裡
of suppressing my paces 我因不得不抑制自己的腳步
in this scale of time 而感覺到一種難以言喻的不適
Things I get in touch with 我接觸到的事物
are somehow like messages 似乎總是那些
I need to be aware of 我需要留意的訊息
Things I get in touch with 我接觸到的事物
are somehow like messages 似乎總是那些
I need to be aware of 我需要留意的訊息
And I know 我知道
a lot of my state of consciousness 許多我的意識狀態
will be changed 將會改變
yet leaving myself 但卻留下那些
with its past memories as data 完歷的回憶作為資料數據
There are new ways 在所有的時間裡
all the time 有著無數的路徑
depending on 全依據我
what and how I choose 如何選擇、選擇什麼
I'm observing myself 我觀察著我自己
like I need to (像是我需要這麼做一樣)
in order to get 為了得到
an unseen sense of my mind 某個未曾見過的心智知覺
it's like keep searching 這像是不斷地
in the light of unknown 在未知的光線裡搜尋
keep facing it 持續地以這個我
with this me 來面對它
particles 粒子
scattered 被打散
recombined 再重組
million times 無數次
遊走到 I roamed along
意識的邊界 the edge of my intellection
腳邊 some place at a cliff
類似懸崖的位置 near my feet
決定 I decide
從意識裡過多的波動 to sort out my realities
挑選自己的現實 from these overly surged perceptions
我有權取用所需 I am certified to select what's essential
將建立起的所信 to build up what are irrefutable
從自身張開 from my stances
these bones 在我裡頭的
this set of bone 這些骨
inside me 這具骨骼
looking into my physical self 往內看這個身軀的自己
these tissues 這些組織
organs and muscles 這些臟器和肌肉
pipes and blood 管路和血液
these eyeballs 在這個頭骨裡的
and my brain 這對眼球
in this scalp 和我的腦
my spine 我的脊椎
這種 A feeling of
被思緒(未見過的訊息) being drowned
淹沒的感覺 by unseen tidings
需要從水中 the urge of stepping away
暫時離開的感覺 from the waters
水 Water
對 yes
它能帶走毀壞 it takes away those ruins
清除 Cleansing
留下的是殘餘的結構 leaving the bones remained
所以我站在那裡頭 So I stand inside of this structure
試著找些什麼 attempt to search
但不是真的在找 Not really looking for something
而是觀望著那個氛圍 but immersing myself into the ambience
感受「存在」的證據 to sense the evidence of 'existence'
如果我也是 If I were also
來自「未來」的某一處 from somewhere in the 'future'
為了觀察 to observe
為了視探 to espy
為了體會 to apperceive 'the contents of living'
在那一處(已經)沒有了的「生活內容」 that were no longer there
不管是「進來」 whether it be 'walking in'
還是「下來」 or 'walking down'
不管是什麼樣的「安排」 whichever the 'arrangement' was
在這個位置裡我清楚感覺到 in this spot, I am wary that
自己存在的狀態 such presence of me
必須經由這個心智 should be delineated and shown
一起顯現、描繪出來 through and along with this mind
或許 Perhaps
這個結構 that this structure
指的就是 indicated
這個身體也說不定 is indeed this human body
我的本體 My actual self
在這個地方的樣子 is diversified
是千變萬化的 in this place
或許在其他頻率裡頭 Perhaps in other frequencies
我依然擁有某種的型態 I too have some certain form
依然能夠「看見」或「觸碰」 still be able to 'see' and 'touch'
但它可能不是這裡的狀態 though may not exactly be the same way
這是為何此處 That is why this place
有它的無可取代 is of its irreplaceableness
(不是嗎) (isn't it so?)
地球的人類們 People on Earth
就跟它字面上的意義一樣 are mostly literally as it is suggested
活在表層 living on the surface
on this thin crust 在這層薄殼上
not knowing a thing 不知道發生過什麼事
or without a way of knowing how to know 或者,無法知道如何得知
simply existing 單純地活著
might be so precious 是如此珍貴
since in itself 正因這樣的珍貴
the preciousness 在它自身其中
isn't noticeable 並未被察覺
這些能量的存有 These energies
就是它自身「極」的成因 are their own extremities
那個來源 That Source
作為永恆的存在 as an eternal being
它翻轉而相連的背面 what would it be
會是什麼? at the back of its connected and reversible side?
那個永恆的無維度 That everlasting non-dimension
對它自身而言 to itself could at the same time
同時也可以是一瞬間 be a fast instant moment
在這之內的創造物 Creations among and within here
無論是哪個頻率層次 obtaining their own scale of time
擁有自身的時間規格 whatever the levels of frequencies are
在它們自身的世界中取用能源 They attain what they need in their own world
為自身創造一切 to create anything for themselves
一切都是自動化的 'Everything is automatic'
(不是嗎) (isn't that so?)
這樣一個設定 kind of setting
難怪這些能量更高的力 No shit that these higher forces
被要求撤離地球人類的生活範圍 are asked to leave us alone for specific reasons
噢沒錯 No doubt that
你們需要這樣的「我們」 you need such 'us'
好來替你們釋除那些 to remit for you
「曾經」的「魯莽」後果 those histories and recklessness
即使 while such we
這些我們 are created
是由你們再次延伸創造出來的 within your extensions
正是因為你們深知 Astutely you understand
自身的能,以及 such forcefulness
你們清楚 self-aware about
自身的「惡與毀」這個反作用力 its counter energy of 'evilness and destructiveness'
這樣的我們 such us
如此珍貴的原因 are so treasurable
正是由於 exactly because
我們的無能與天真 of our incapability and innocence
如同來自你們的 Same way as us humans
人類的我們 that are descended from you
深知自身內在 knowing these left forces and sins
帶著遺留的能與惡 inside ourselves
我們被那些 we are constantly
可愛動物 healed by those
療癒 heart-warming creatures
你們 You
透過我們這樣的 heal yourselves
地球的人類 with us human races
療癒你們自己 on this planet Earth
(是吧) (isn't that right?)
(you need us (你們需要我們
and you can't help wanting us) 而且你們不由得想要我們)
你們 You
擁有更接近本源初始的能的 'gods'
眾「神」們 with powers closer to the Source
經過能量散射於「時」的向外推移 Energies emanated outwards through 'Time'
來到邊緣外側的此處 to here at the margin of the outer side
時光的能 Lights carried with Time emitting
來自高頻的「過去」 from higher frequency 'past'
流進低頻的「未來」 into lower frequency 'future'
在降低的頻率裡 Ruminating
沉思 during the decrease of frequencies
將節奏拉長 stretching the rhythms
給予當下的你們 giving you the vectors
轉圜的向量 to redeem
讓你們 Rerailing you
重回軌道 back
我們對你們的作用 is the healing
正是療癒 we have on you
這個 This
珍貴的星球 precious planet
不是你們能夠付出代價 isn't something you could price
去恣意妄為的 with your unscrupulousness
即使 Even if
你們有可能 you might have been
是「曾經」的我們(那麼我們就是「未來」的你們) us 'once' (then we are you 'to be')
過多的重組與創造 All of these excessive rearranging and creating
在這個同一的能量之中 among one single energy
分散出來的角度、意識 myriad radiated angles and perspectives
你或許可以說 You can aver that
我正是在與自身對話 in a sense I'm talking to myself
是也可 Doesn't
非也可 matter
無論自語詞彙為何 May the indications be
在這裡的 This race
這個我 here
它有振動的必要 is a vibration with assertions
因為它自身即為一個生命 since as a life itself
與你相等 it is equal to you
can you appreciate yourself
just like you appreciate the greenish purity of a plant
or the seemingly flawless sincerity of a fluffy cat?
this creature you own right now
just like the other kinds
your eyes kept on
and lay your eyes on this one
you, this very you
see it
with your consciousness
you can have this calmness as well
just like you always know
what you always want
and have always have already
2021/05/25 22:57 左 |06/02 18:29 右
Hualien, Taiwan.