生命能源的載體 Carrier of Life Energy
a beginning with no end 一個沒有結束的開始
spinning, separating, vibrating 旋轉,分離,振動
waves, sound and light 波,聲,與光
(把他們放在這裡,看他們會不會 (put them here and see if they
隨便把東西塞到自己身體裡,看看他們 randomly stuff things inside their bodies, see
怎麼感知、怎麼做選擇,如何使用生命 how they sense and choose, how they use life
如何面對「恐懼」,是否珍惜旅程的機會) how they face 'fear', and whether they cherish the chance of this journey)
時間 Time
是分切的能量 is the energy being segmented
透過旋轉 It enters this structured world
進入結構世界 through spinning
旋轉是刻意設置的慣性 The spinning is an inertia of an intended set-up
球體的「引力」與「旋轉慣性」 The 'gravitation' and the 'spinning inertia' of the sphere
沒有關聯 is unrelated
「時間」是一段 'Time' is a piece of
承載「能量」的音頻 sound frequency that carries 'energy'
音樂裡 In music
包涵建構起來的時間 (時間架構) there's a structured time (time structure)
包涵建構起來的時間 (時間架構) there's a structured time (time structure)
裡頭有頻率劃分 It includes rhythms
規律與否 時有時無 that aren't necessarily regulated
規律與否 時有時無 that aren't necessarily regulated
藉由某段頻率/音樂/聲響 By using some piece of frequency/music/sound
進入某種意識 to get into a certain consciousness
以振動/波動 With vibrations/waves
獲得「感知」 (共情/共鳴) to gain 'senses' (empathy/sympathy)
同步頻率 Synchronization of frequencies
以進入此時空範圍 (地球) for going into the space-time (on Earth)
如同踏進某音樂旋律裡 same as stepping into a melody
合諧振動聲響 and vibrate with the sound in harmony
這個感知是 Such sentiency
「自身生命的回音」 is 'the echoes of life'
也就是 that is
藉由振動 with resonance of sounds
感受到自己的生命反應 we get vital signs of ourselves
呼叫、話語、儲存的文字訊息 calling, speaking, word messages
皆是 etc.
時間是 Time
靈魂能源的載具 is the container of soul energy
它可以是分切而來的 It is indicated as divided
同時也是一個整體 as well as a whole
靈魂 The Source
是「一」 is 'one'
也是「數」 and 'many'
由全部 (單一) with All (only)
分切散佈 distributed and scattered
趨近無限 (複雜) to close to infinity (complicated)
「生命」即 'Living'
透過「時間」的機制 is utilizing source energy
使用來自靈魂的能源 through the mechanism of 'time'
「時間」 'Time'
不會消失不見 won't disappear
不會流失 it will not pass
不需要取回 and it's no need to be retrieved
它是一個整體能源 It is a collective energy
無論是一個人的「一生」(物質內或物質外) whether it's a person's 'life' (with or without physicality)
或是所有人類整體的「歷史」(有記載或無記載) or the overall 'history' of mankind (with or without records)
無論長短大小 in any length
分切至未分切之間的任何狀態 any status between undivided and segmented
「流失、過去」等等的感知 The sense of 'flowing away' and 'passing'
是心智內記憶畫面所產生的錯視 is a mistaken view from memory data in the mind
由於受限於人的生物體規範 an inevitable motion of 'looking back'
難以免除所謂的「回頭」意象 due to such physicality of human beings
事實上它在原處 It is actually there unmoved
並且沒有任何方向性 and also with no vectors
但因為旋轉堆疊 The mind 'comprehends' it with orders
使心智有了「先後」的理解 because of the spinning and piling
地球的時間協定 Time protocol on Earth
以太陽作為參照 is based on its orbiting around the Sun
而非來自地球本身的旋轉 instead of the spinning of its own
真實的時間狀態 The actual status of time
並非心智自行設定的理想規律 isn't what our mind defined as an ideal regularity
其「流動量」不必是完全均等 Its 'mass of flowing' is in fluctuation
但有大致的「寬度」 while there's an average 'width' of it
以配合旋轉到達這裡 cooperating with the spinning in order to get here
時間需要協定 Time requires protocol
正是由於能源的分切以及化形 only because energy is being segmented and incarnated
反之 otherwise
則無需「時間」一詞 there's no indication for 'Time'
亦不需所謂的「協定」 and no need for 'protocol'
時間是一個代稱 Time is a designation
它是生命能源的載體 as the carrier of life energy
時間可能不是「維度」 Time may not be a 'dimension'
而是不得不被製造出來的機制 but a mechanism that has to be made
它是結構世界重要的結構因素 It is a crucial factor for structuring in the structured world
但它並不是結構本身 yet it's not the structure itself
而是必須附著於三維結構之中的「堆累」 It is the accumulation that must attach to the 3D structures
也就是做工/作工/加工 aka to put in works/ processing
「時間的存在」 'The existence of Time'
必須依附於「媒介」 must be built
而成立 on 'media'
必須依附於「媒介」 must be built
而成立 on 'media'
堆累當中 In these accumulation
包含了思維與意念 there are thoughts and intentions
透過有形的材料 By weaving it into physical materials
它成為了實在的質量 'they' become actual mass
並異於材質 and they transform the original fabrics
包含了思維與意念 there are thoughts and intentions
透過有形的材料 By weaving it into physical materials
它成為了實在的質量 'they' become actual mass
並異於材質 and they transform the original fabrics
讓時間 Injecting time
注入生命體 into physical body
產生頻率 and generate frequencies
「做工」 to 'process'
注入生命體 into physical body
產生頻率 and generate frequencies
「做工」 to 'process'
只要是生命體 The physical bodies
無論何時便是在堆累 are always accumulating
因為它們 since they are
附著於時空的頻率當中 attached to the frequency of space-time
無法「逃離」 They cannot 'escape'
只是我們有內在意識得以連接 only that this inner consciousness can be connected
無論何時便是在堆累 are always accumulating
因為它們 since they are
附著於時空的頻率當中 attached to the frequency of space-time
無法「逃離」 They cannot 'escape'
只是我們有內在意識得以連接 only that this inner consciousness can be connected
意識並沒有 The consciousness does not have
一日24小時的運作模式 a 24-hour daily operating pattern
而軀體卻隨著地球轉動 while the body is in repeated circulation
循環重複著 along with the orbiting
我們知曉自身軀體之受限 We are aware of this limitation bound for this physicality
知道「精神內在」與「身軀」的不一致性 knowing the arbitrarity between 'inner spiritualness' and 'human body'
這個靈魂與軀殼的關係 this relationship of the Soul and the Shell
化形至此處的 this identity
這個身份 embodying into this place
我們以其移走於世 that we move around with
或者 or
鑲嵌於此形體的 this consciousness
這個意識 embedded in the shape of such being
我們遊走於其間 that we wander inside
「錯置狀態」 Such sense of 'misplacement'
如同語言的任意性質 is somewhat related to the arbitrariness of languages
邏輯對應 The consistency of logic
大部分是「掙扎」 are 'struggles' most of the time
它必須存在是因為 Logic is there only because
它不得不作為「參考值」 we need it as a 'reference'
比如設計某些較精細而龐大的事物時 When designing complicated objects in large scales
必須盡可能保持精確 we need to be as precise as possible
不得不做出比較值設定 thus we have to set up comparisons in matters
但邏輯永遠不可能成為「永恆」 A certain set of logic won't become 'eternal'
意思是說 which means that
邏輯是限制內的設定物 logic is a prop under circumstances
它僅僅是條件性的實用物 It works as a practical usage only with conditions
在時間外 Inside
與時間內 and outside
之間 time
存在一個作為阻擋的介面 there's an interface as a blockage
即為此心智 (腦部) That is the mind (the brain, cerebrum)
這和 Such constitution is the same as
意識連續體 (→能量) the inner continuum (energy)
心智 (→時間) the mind (time)
結構世界 (→此處) and the structured world (here)
文字語言的特性是條列及碎片 The properties of word information are sequentiality and fragmentality
被描述物先被打散成拼圖 Objects being described are broke down into pieces like puzzles
再透過語音的先後性質去拼湊起來 before they are reassembled back together in words with a nature of orders
人必須透過語言、思考 people must 'construct' this inner understanding
來「構成」內在意識 through speaking and thinking
能量必須以時間緩慢疊加 the energy must go through the limping and piling of time
能量必須以時間緩慢疊加 the energy must go through the limping and piling of time
通過並到達這個「有形」世界 to get to this world of 'reality'
日夜的重複 The repetition of days and nights
並不是在告訴我們 isn't telling us that
它是永恆的現象 it is an everlasting phenomena
而是它就只能如此 but it is what it can only be
它只能以旋轉來傳遞能量 It can only transmit energy through spinning
而我們在此 and here we
不得不經由日夜堆疊 have to construct 'the world'
來建構「世界」 by the amassment of days and nights
有某個原因導致「這裡」 Something disables 'this place'
無法直接通連意識連續體 to directly communicate with the inner continuum
直達靈性能源 to connecting the spiritual energy
在這個刻意造出引力的星球轉體上 On this intentionally created orbiting sphere with gravitation
心智的感知 this mind operates
受限於這個能量來源的「方式」 with limitations from how this energy is delivered
此處 Here
是一個特殊的場域 an unusual realm
為了什麼目的或某件事情存在著 its existence is for some purpose or matter
這些重力的毀壞性 The destructiveness of gravity
是難以理解的 is incomprehensible
時間 (soul) 經由分切 Time (靈魂) is being scattered
來達到某個目的 for achieving a certain goal
片段 (pieces) 再次回收 Fragments (碎片) are recollected
並回到來源處 back to the Origin
為何非得化形不可? Why it must incarnate anyway?
離心力沉澱雜質 centrifugal force depositing the dirt
為了取回淨化的能 to get purified energy
ha...it's actually (exactly) because of the spinning causing the centrifugal force
that the 'dirt' is being precipitated (6/6/2021)
所以究竟發生了什麼事 So what exactly happened
非得如此大費周章? that it takes so much to be done?
and... nothing really happened excepting this spinning, separating
aka 'creating' thing that's going on
at the same time lots of thing had happened and is happening... (6/6/2021)
在這顆星球上 On this planet
這些活動著的物體 these living creatures
他們 have they
感覺到球體的轉動嗎 noticed the orbit of this orb?
感覺到橘紅色的發光物嗎 or sensed this orange-vermilion glowing object?
他們 have they
開始認識「他們自己」這個東西了嗎 begun to know 'what' they are?
發現了什麼新事物了嗎 or discovered anything new?
他們 have they
發明了什麼嗎 invented anything?
應該說 Or
發現了什麼創造的路徑了嗎 found out any ways toward inventions?
他們 Do they
接下來想去哪裡嗎 intend to head for any place?
從「地球」離開 parting from 'Earth'
著陸在空氣中的另一個球體嗎 landing on another sphere in the air?
有人發現 Does anyone find out why
為什麼旋轉嗎? the spinning is there?
2021/05/14 04:33 中|05/18 23:16 英
Hualien, Taiwan.