perspectives took off 視覺的切換
Do you know 你知道
how to translate love 如何將愛
into your feelings 轉譯成情感嗎?
or reversely 或者反過來
from feelings to love? 將情感轉譯成愛?
I am moved to tears 我因為
by my own words 自己的這些話
because 眼眶濕熱,因為
I feel my existence 我感受著我自己的存在
and talk to it 並與它對話
I touch it 觸碰它
and let it burn 並讓它燃燒
the love I choose 我為自己
for myself 選擇的愛
is exactly 正是
the choosing 選擇
itself 本身
我昨天 I made Milano cookie yesterday. Fragranced sweetness of vanilla
做了米蘭諾餅乾,濃濃的香草甜味,以巧克力的苦來平衡 balanced by tranquil bitterness of the chocolate.
一邊跟過去的一切 At the same time, reconciling with everything
和解 from ever before
喔,其實,我也是同時在,告訴她 well, this is also telling her
藉由這樣的自揭 that with this self exposing
讓她和我一同承認 I made her confirm along with me
這個過往 about this fact
事實 in the past
這永遠都不會離她而去 which it'll never go away from her
我已經 and I've already
徹底對自己傾訴 completely confided in myself
這個事實 this truth
轉交給她 I turn in to her
以示 as
負責 done duty
「母」 「mother」
我為此 I spared none
將它 in order to
拆解意義 break down the meanings
再 and then
還原 reassembled it up
無視 regardless of
地球的轉動 the spinning of the Earth
我必須 I have no choice
奪回靈魂 but to contend for my soul
啊,我踩進來了。 Yeah, I just stepped in again.
我摘下那個奇怪的... this...weird thing I took off
啊!!!!!!!! AH!!!!!!!
五條悟的眼罩 Gojo Satoru's eye-patch
是為了 is for covering up
遮擋這樣的視線啊... this kind of vision...
在我眼前 before my eyes
旋轉著的 this rotating globe
發著為微亮橘紅光的球體 emitting glim of scarlet-blond
在這個方塊裡 in this cube
好像黏在我的眼眶視線上那樣的 as if this whole view is attached to my eye sockets
我摘下那個東西 this object I took off
像是摘下眼鏡那樣的感覺 might be just like taking off a pair of glasses
(うーわ!)眼鏡... (oh, man!) the glasses...
超詭異的...好毛 this is fricking weird...
踩進來 Stepping in.
雖然 Although
我早就 I've already
踩進來好幾百次 stamping on it a hundred times
但是 yet
並非 not from
下定決心的 determination
在以往 In the past
踏進現實 this body that
的身軀 walked into the reality
是帶有我靈性的 is the shell
空殼 with my spirituality
這次 this time
我帶著靈魂 I bring in the soul
把它 with
請進來 bienvenu
本體 the original
真正的 self
我的存在 my being
我記得這個軀體 I remember this body
心智 this mind
保有的開朗視野 with views of positivity
相片 pictures
提供了證物 provide evidences
提醒了 reminding
我 me
喜歡遺忘的習性 that I let things go easily
習慣保持淨空 the habit of being cleansed
一種靈魂給予的傾向 an inclination toward my soul
它在過去 in the past
總是 it is always
停不得 with unstoppable
直覺飛竄 intuitions
使行動在現實中顯得混亂無比 appeared to be chaotic in life
當然 of course
它有道理 it had reasons
只是現實思維 just that in a mind of reality
無法全盤通透其中的來去 it just doesn't connect together
我大概掌握到了 I have a proper sense of
自己的意識 this state of consciousness
切換的感受 like switches
從那裡的外頭 Thither outside,
到這裡的裡面 here inside.
那個陌生感與 A strange feeling of
熟悉感 un-familiarities
混在一起的 and acquaintances
怪異 mixed up
我的記憶 Is it doing ok
還好吧 my memory?
這樣的記憶能力 I wonder if this kind of memorizing skill
不知道是不是被訓練出來的 is trained over and over again
我變成 I have become able to
能夠和自己 have dialogues
對話 and inquiries
詢問 internally
問自己什麼疑問 Asking myself
接著 and receiving a view
獲得那頭視野的觀點 thitherward
通暢與 unobstructed
詭異的驚異感 weirdness of wonder
嚇死我自己 scaring myself
以往的邏輯 Logic
無法給我自己「確切的解答」 couldn't furnish me with exactitude
那是因為 that's because
我沒有用自己的那個意識去看 I didn't use this consciousness to see
我沒用上(因不認得而恐懼) I didn't use (because I couldn't recognize it along with terrors)
自身的 my
天賦 gift
我擁有的那個 Such transparency
透明質地 I own
又字面上地 literally
像是接近靈魂的色澤 close to colors of soul
要不就是 or
我的靈 that my spirit
確實是透明得看不見 is indeed not easy to view in such translucence
你把人類 As what do you
視為什麼? regard humans?
問問 if you ask
五條悟 Satoru
他或許 he might be
也無法回答 unable to answer either
因此 thus
轉而向內問 I turn to me and ask
我視自己為何 what do you see yourself as?
在地球上 Adapting to space and time
運行時空 on this plain
是件不習慣的事情 is sometimes uncomfortable
這些東西都還在 these things are still here
它們 they are
變得 gradually
無關熟悉 unrelated to familiarity
或許得看成是個好的轉變 and it should be viewed as a good outcome
啊 well...
我的那些情感 those feelings
現在已經變得如此(被)接受 have been well accepted
因為以前我找不到 I couldn't find
接受的 places and tolerance
位置/容納 to receive
我只有,不斷猛力地 what I did was only overly
給出情感 giving my affections
卻不知道 yet didn't know
怎麼接收 how to take in
完全是因為 it's all caused
最起頭處 from the very beginning
錯置 a misplacement
導致其後的徹底錯誤觀看 causing a wrongful pair of spectacles
再次回到「母」 it is back to "mother" again
關於她 about her
記憶裡的事實 the facts in the memory data
你給自己 You gave yourself
豐碩 abundancy
過往的記憶裡 somehow in the memory
卻顯示著 it showed
貧乏的質 qualities of lack
我給自己 I gave myself
豐碩的記憶 meaningful memories
以相片為證 certified by photos
你累積起來了嗎? Have you accumulated up?
過剩的 Excessive
彌補 compensation
接著你 Continuedly, you
清除著靈魂裡的錯誤 removing the errors in your soul
同時還清除著超餘的 simultaneously deleting surpluses of
現實豐富 life plentifulness
這些混亂與矛盾重重 These chaos and contradictions
都是必經之路 are paths and routes must be taken
與自己 in order to travel
同遊 with myself