Accolades 環頸而擁。盛讚。
(tell me) (告訴我)
how do you overcome 你如何克服
the coming of 從這個
parting this place 充滿驚奇的地方
that full of 離開(之時)
curious wonders? 的到來?
Were you 你是否因為
anxious over 這個此生僅有的
this limited chance 限量的機會
of a life time 而焦急著
counting 考量計算著
the odds of 贏些什麼
winning something? 的機率?
(I wonder) (我想知道)
Does it ever occur to you 你是否想過?
that (其實)
you've already won 打從你獲得了這樣
ever since 生命的機會
you were given a chance 你已經
of this life? 贏了
And guessing the odds 而去猜測
of your forming 你被塑造出來的成因
seems 顯得
inane? 空洞無義
You can do anything you want 你可以做任何事情
including 包括
doing nothing. 什麼都不做
Righteously. 天經地義地
Look at this planet 注視著這個星球
and just 就這麼
feel it. 感受它
Quietness 寧靜
quenches you. 使你平息
Your false dissatisfaction 你錯誤的不滿
comes from 來自
the wrongful chase 錯誤地去
over satisfaction. 追逐「滿足」
It's just stupidly hard 去停止隨著
to stop running along 車輪自身的旋轉
with the wheel 而轉動,的確是
of its turning. 愚蠢地困難
(you see) (是這樣的)
You can be the one 你可以就這麼
watching it turn 看著它
before your eyes. 在你眼前轉動
Listen 去聽
to the echoes 你
of your memories 記憶的回音
they are your 它們是
database 你在地球上
of your sentiency 一切感知
about the Earth 的「資料庫」
Your life. 你的生命
Do you see yourself? 你看得見這個「自己」嗎?
Or do you merely see 還是
looking at 你僅僅注意看著
what you're searching for 你在「尋找」的,那
that is actually 實為
empty 「空無一物」的
Nothingness? 什麼也沒有的?
Hearing yourself. 去聽見你自己
It's the echo 那是你
of your soul. 靈魂的回音
Answers 所有
you ever need. 你所需要的答案
There are 多重的永恆
multiple eternities 存在於
among various moments 各種時刻
indefinable 它們無法由
with Time 時空
or Space. 定義
Once you notice them 當你注意到了它們
you then no longer require 你便不再需要
the word meaning 「價值」一詞的
"worth". 語意
Then 從此
all the other things 所有其他事物
are extra 皆為
bonuses 來自這個贏得的
of this winning. 額外紅利
2021/04/13 23:26 En|04/19 13:45 Ch
Taiwan, Hualien.