HYDRO- / -HEDRON 水- / -面體
I try to look 我試著
into it 往裡頭看
still 依然
training myself 訓練自己
to hold on 在難以忍受時
when it's unbearable 盡量堅持
I myself 我自己
is a symbol 即是「生命物」
of Life Being 的一個象徵
my own 我的
incarnation of 化身
a hyper-dimensional 一個過度聚維的
existence 存在
Words are limited 字語限制重重
because 因為
perspectives 觀點們
do their own interpretations 依其自身之轉換
in their own conversions 自行詮釋
There's a fragrance 有一種
of thought 思緒的香氣
sonic waves 猶如音波
just like flowers 就像花朵
emitting the attractions 釋放出吸引力
into the air 至空氣中
the space in between 空間
is contracted 無法抗拒地
by these thoughts 被這些
with aura 有著氣息的思想
irresistibly 收縮聚合
Water 以水
dilutes 稀釋
purges 淨化
Cleansed messages (得到) 清潔的訊息
globes 回彈而
rebound 旋轉的
rotate 球體
the ball 人們遊戲把玩的
we play 這個球
symbolic 多重的
meanings 象徵意義
How to 如何從
rise up 滿載情感的
with the weight of memories 回憶的重量
full of affections? 升起?
Close up 閉合
to form 以形成
to build 以建構
layers by layers 層層覆蓋
one within another 一層又在另一層裡
inside 相互堆疊於
each other 彼此之間
interchangeably 可互換地
reversibly 內外翻轉地
bubbles 氣泡
pile 疊起
wonders 眼中的
to the eyes 奇異
Do you have kids 你是否為了
to see again 想再看一看
those symbols 那樣的象徵
so you can reassure 而擁有孩子?
what you saw 只為了再次確定
when you were them? 你在那樣年紀時的所見?
to watch again 再次看見
those wonderments? 那樣的驚嘆?
My head 當我專注去看時
aches with trembles 我因
of visions 來自這樣視覺的震動
when I focus to look in 而頭疼
emotions 情緒
tell me 告訴我
the body 必須中斷
would break 否則
if I don't 身體
take a break from it 無法承受
When I, as the Will with Consciousness 當我以意識的意志
intend to see the 去試圖看見
ray of trance 定念的光
live on curiosity 依存於好奇心
taking a peep 也許
maybe 窺以一瞥
my face 我的臉
sometimes 有時候
may gradually 漸漸變得
become a mop 扭曲奇怪
when the light gets too strong 在光線太強烈時
Back and forth 來來回回地
between my soul and my body 在我的靈魂與身體之間
together they are placed on the joint 它們置於
that very center 那個中央名為意志的
as the Will 接合處
The SPACE 「空間」
if spoken in numbers 若以數字來描述
In Zero 在零裡頭
there's a One 有一個壹
In One 在壹裡頭
there are Two 有貳
(isn't it (這不是很像
just like the cells 細胞的
building up?) 建構方式嗎?)
In Two 在貳裡頭
there are many 有「多」
up till 上至
possibilities 「接近無限」
close to infinity 的可能
Inwards 向內
inward 收聚
condensed 濃縮
compressed 壓縮
cramped 狹窄著
We sensed it 人們感受這樣的東西
like demon's hell 形容為惡魔般的地獄
clustered 結團成塊的
pains 痛苦
Agonies 煎熬
Here we need Aqua 我們需要水
to flush away 沖走
those broken clumps 毀壞的結塊
Stay 保持
in a clear status 清晰的狀態
Keep the soul 讓靈魂
in brightness 留在光亮之中
at least 至少
clear away 清掉那些
those misconnected dimensions 錯誤連結的維度
by this habit of creation 這種來自「創造」的習性
These are the prayers 這些祈求
spoken in whispers 訴自低語
amongst 在這雙眼的
the searching of these eyes 尋找之間
thrills scattered with a smile 帶著微笑揮灑的振奮
a joyful peace 返以
in return 平靜喜悅
2021/03/21 14:46 En|05/01 at night Ch
Taiwan, Hualien.
inside the density of time-space