Deity 「神性」
外在的顯形 the exterior
是為了 is shown
切合內在 to correspond
而存在的 inner sphere
將這個對應的方向 reversing
相反 this direction
則會造成 makes
空殼 productions of shell
空洞化 emptiness
軀體化 carcasses
物化 objectification
內在 the inner sphere
是主體 is the subject
訓練肉眼 Training of the eyes
是為了 is for the purpose of
描繪內在 displaying what's inside
若以肉眼為藉 if we intend to catch eyeballs
以符徵暗示 with implications of symbols
有可能 it may possibly
產生錯指 give wrong indications
無論刻意 purposely
或大意 or without knowing
這是 This is
欺瞞與受騙的機制 the process of deluding and being cheated
也可能成為 it might become
不得不扭曲的 a means that must be twisted
目的達成手段 for achievements
肉眼的錯誤 the wrongness of external eyes
來自內在的蒙蔽 comes from the blindness inside
扭曲的心眼 a twisted mind
需要刻意投映於他人 needs projections onto others
以便避責 to avoid responsibilities
這是 this is
寄生者的生存方式 how parasites live
因為 since
它們沒有 there aren't
自身的主體 true subjects of their own
沒有 with no
實際的內在 real worth inside
因此它們群聚著 they gather
咆嘯著 howling
威嚇著 threatening
結黨同行 cliquing
是他們不得不的行為 as their inevitableness
否則 otherwise
它們便會亡滅 they fade away
這與 this is different
人同為生物之一 from gregariousness
的生活群居 and sociality of human race
不同 as one of many creatures
真正的良善 the truthful niceties
不會刻意對你宣告 never speak to you
任何事物 with any methods
言語 by words
思想 or thoughts
為什麼 why do you
你把孩子 put children
放到組織裡 into some organizations
進行編程? to get programmed?
而自行 and yourself
接受 getting
另一處的 engineered
寫入? by another one?
什麼是「人」? Who are 「peoples」?
What are humans? 我們是什麼?
Do they actually have no insights 難道,在體內蘊涵了時空之後
after they formed a Time inside? 沒有包含任何洞見?
after they filled up their 在滿足
physical needs? 生理欲求之後?
Do they 是否
really tend to 真的傾向
live like zombies? 行屍走肉?
Or are they only 還是僅僅
being indulged 想要沉溺於
in their own 腦中的
fantasies? 狂想?
Just to pass Time? 只為了度過「時空」?
Can't we see 我們真的
what's really 看不見
inside? 自身或他人的內在嗎?
I doubt that we can't. 我不相信。
It's only 這只是
we choose 人們選擇
not to. 不去看見。
we choose to 人們選擇
cover up 去遮起
the real eyes 真正的雙眼
inside 心眼
to live 而以
like puppets 偶物活著
to choose 選擇了
to live 以
as a body 軀體活著
not as 而非以
the human 我們曾知的
we once thought 「人」而活
we were 我們,
like those 那些
「Gods」 如同我們記憶中的
in our memories 所謂的「神」
2021/03/18 20:02 Hualien, Taiwan.